
Saturday, April 15, 2017

Good Things Can Happen at 4 AM

Good news people!!!! I stayed up really late again last night (I was not tired at all) and finished my website!!!! I am IN LOVE. I worked so hard on it and I love how it turned out. When we made our own website in class a couple of months ago, I had so much fun designing it that I became really excited to make my movie poster one.

Some info:

The first page you have is the home page where I only have the trailers linked. This is very traditional for movie websites because they want the audience immediately engaged in the film.

Then I have an "About" page where I talk about the director (me), a synopsis of the film with a picture of my movie poster...side note: since my movie is not in theaters yet, I can't link the "Find tickets near you" so I just said "coming to theaters near you." I also talk about Cat and Isa where I give insight on their acting background (which are quite identical). Throughout my website I maintained the them of black letters and one word orange in places that needed a little color. Not all of them have it because it became a little repetitive but some uses of it really spice things up.

The next tab is "Behind the Scenes" where I created a short bloopers video, linked my blog, and a gallery where there is an instant slideshow of pictures playing.

In the "Contact" tab, I have links to the Instagram which is my main social media site, and an email. Also I made a petition that strives to stop separating siblings in foster care. This is connected with my movie because my two main characters got split up. I like this idea because it is a great way to make the audience feel like they can be a part of the cause.

My final tab is "What's Your Story" which allows viewers to comment there own foster care experience. This idea is based off of what Kate does in the movie where she created her website that gives people the chance to do that.

Overall I am really happy with the website and I hope others are too!
Here is the link (keep in mind you may see the website with only one trailer linked. This is obviously temporary but I am almost done with that trailer! I just need to change a few minor details and then it will be up before you know it):

Until next time,

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