
Friday, April 14, 2017

Another Day Another Accomplishment

Aaaaannnddd Trailer #2 is done!!!!

I am so so excited with how this one turned out. It contrasts the environments very well and at times, the difference with the element of sound in the environments came out exactly how I wanted it to. I am almost done with the main trailer, I just need the ending. My website is coming together so so nicely I am loving it. Also, new discovery alert!! I work very well after 12 am with this stuff. Since I am on spring break, I have been able to sleep in so, come night time, I'm not tired so why not work right?

Anyway, genius idea with my website! Making it look like Kate's (did I ever say the characters names in my blog?? If not, Jade is the homeless sister, Kate it the adopted one) website that she created was too...boring since I didn't really show Kate's website in the trailers. Buuutttt this led me to my new idea, each page I get to choose an image at the top and I decided each image will be a new set of shoes. So each page is symbolic for the new foster home Jade (and many other kids) went to. I am very proud of that idea let me tell you. I also created a bonus bloopers video for my "Behind the Scenes" page because it is important for the audience to be able to connect with the actors and see how they interact with the cast and how they are normally. Also in that page I did a slideshow of images including set pictures. This gives the audience exclusive looks at the set location so they can see the environment in full view. I didn't put too many pictures in the slideshow but just enough to get the point across.

More on the website tomorrow but for now, drum roll please, here is my social media trailer!

Until next time,

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