Most people believe that girls who are on the heavier side are always the ones who want to be skinny and fit. What they don't realize is that it goes both ways. A lot of skinny girls are not always healthy. I personally am tall and skinny but that is just from genetics (my whole Dads side of the family is the same way). Although I am healthy, I still try to gain weight and make sure not to just eat a whole bunch of crap because I can get away with it. That is not always the case for other skinny girls, Anorexia Nervosa is an actual condition for girls that are skinny in the unhealthy way. One of the main causes of this eating disorder is self-esteem and body image issues.It is most common in adolescent females. These girls overly try to manage the amount of food they eat and their weight. The point I am trying to make is your body type does not always represent how healthy you are. Some people could eat vegetables and fruit every day and go to the gym but still not complete achieve the thin look, instead they may have nice curves. Other people that are thin could actually be really unhealthy. You can not just look at a girl on the cover of a magazine and try to be like her. That model is 1. probably edited and 2. sometimes might have her own self-esteem issues. You can not live your life comparing yourself to others and how they look. You just have to understand that images do not always represent health and fitness.
That is why I chose to have one thin girl and one other girl who is curvier standing next to each other flexing one arm. This image would perfectly represent what I am trying to say. Like I said in my last post, I want my magazine cover to catch someone's eye, and I believe if I choose the right formatting and the best way to present it, I can achieve that. For the skinny girl, I am thinking of my friend Emily to do it since she is tall also. For the other girl I am considering my friend Camila. Camila has had a huge transformation over the past few years by losing a lot of weight and becoming a lot healthier. I hope by using these two girls, people will understand the message. So tonight I am going to ask them if they can be on the cover.
Works Cited:
Dryden-Edwards, Roxanne. "Anorexia Nervosa." MedicineNet. Ed. Melissa Conrad Stoppler. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.
I absolutely love the concept of your magazine. You also have a firm grasp on how you want to present it, which is great. However, the composition of your blog is a tad choppy and I noticed a decent amount of grammar/spelling issues. Perhaps proofreading or even having somebody else read your posts before you upload them would help get your ideas across more clearly while also letting your personality shine through. Still, you've got a great thing going. I'm excited to see how this turns out.