Okay, I have lots of exciting news and ideas! First off, if you saw in my vlog yesterday, I found my set for Isa's homeless scenes. It was a very creepy place and was very difficult getting up there, but we did it and it was worth it. I still need a couple more shots of Isa in that area but I am excited because I think it is going to come out pretty cool.
In other news, I found out how I am going to differentiate my trailers. One trailer is going to be a voiceover of Cat (sister who got adopted) and in her perspective while the second trailer will be Isa talking (homeless sister). I knew I wanted to have both of them talking and I knew my movie was going to jump between their perspectives, so I think delivering it this way will turn out pretty cool. Also it kind of goes against conventions (which I am always down for) by having two different story tellers in the trailers. I think this will make the movie more interesting and intriguing which is what I was worried wasn't going to happen.
Another idea for my website came to mind! In the hit T.V show The Fosters, Mariana creates a twitter page getting people to tell their secrets that they couldn't share with anyone else. I thought of Cat's character creating a website where she asks other foster kids their story, whether it be a positive or negative experience. She does this after she finds out her sister aged out of the system and wanted to see if this was a common thing that happened to others as well. Since I have to create my website for my film as well, I plan to have it look like Cat's character's website but replace the tabs with things that relate to the movie (trailers, about the cast, behind the scenes) while still maintain the character's design and format.
Finally, I have my actors!!! The two little girls are ones that I have babysat and I received permission from both their parents to use them in my movie. Also Cat's Mom will play the sister's biological Mother in the opening shots, which I plan to film Tuesday.
My plan is starting to finally come together and I am excited about how it is going!
Until next time,
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