Okay so yesterday I filmed the opening to my trailer, and let me just tell you, that was quite an experience. First off, I babysit these kids for four days every three weeks. I pick them up from school at 2 and stay with them until 6:30 and it is exhausting. Don’t get me wrong, I love kids and I want to work with them in my future, but after an over 6 hour school day on top of waking up at 6 am everyday ON TOP of staying up late doing hw and studying, it is a lot. Normally it is not so bad, they are great kids but what kills me is the questions. Why so many questions kids? Everything I do I get ask why?Who?When?How? And I don’t have to answer once but usually four times. Not because I am not speaking clearly but because they get distracted and don't listen to my first answers. Anyway this relates I promise.
*I interrupt this program to introduce some of my actresses*
Isa is on the left playing the homeless sister. Tali is in the middle playing younger Cat who is on the right. Abby is not pictured here, sorry about that I forgot to take one of her.
Now back to the story!
So I finish babysitting at 6:30 and Tali (one of kids I babysit) and I go to pickup my other little actress Abby who is the question queen. After explaining what they have to do three times, I go to Cat’s house to film and set up while we wait for her Mom to come home (her Mom is needed for my opening). Well, little miss Cat Castro decides to tell the kids I will get them ice cream after this, which I was not planning on doing because I am hungry, want to go home, tired, and as a matter of fact don’t feel like paying for both kids’ overly priced ice creams. If you know kids, you know they don’t drop topics. They keep pestering you about it until you answer them and are basically forced to say yes. Not me though, nooooo, I was going to stand my ground but then I felt like a mean person because they are doing me a favor by acting in this film. As I tried to divert away from their questions, I was quietly shunning Cat in my head actually I was greatly shunning her for even bringing up the two words.
Moving along this narrative, I had to see how I wanted to position the children for my shot which they did not appreciate this tedious process and all the step to your lefts, move forward, actually jk take a step backward, you get the point. This brings me to problem number 2, Tali is significantly shorter than Abby and even though they are only 2 years apart in age, they are many many inches apart in height. So, I had Abby go down on her knees which made her shorter than Tali and I wanted Tali to be the younger one. Which I don’t know why I could’ve just said that the older one be shorter or Tali hypothetically is the younger version of my oldest actress Isa, but like I said I was exhausted. This is why I had to play with a little thing called perspective in who was taller and it was just a process. Anyway we finish filming and refilming because it is a little difficult to work with non-actresses and I begin to capture my movie poster idea. This was probably the kids least favorite part because they were fed up with me and my repositioning. As we go to leave the house, I realize my poster was HORIZONTAL NOT VERTICAL- a definite face in palm moment. I realize a movie poster can be horizontal and go against conventions, but that is not how I pictured it.
So now here I am sitting here, terrified to play back the shots I got and am praying that everything turned out more than decent
Side note: I had an idea that when I film Isa (the older one) I will use handheld camera to make it look more raw and relateable.
Anyways until next time,