
Friday, April 7, 2017

So Much to Do So Much to Say

Hello!! Holy cow, I have not posted until the end of this week not because I have not done anything, but because I have done everything!!!Well...almost everything but still so so much! I might just split it into a couple of different blog posts because it is different parts of the project.

I am going to start off with the movie poster.

I stood out in Florida's scorching hot sun looking like a crazy person taking pictures of a bunch of shoes in my driveway and rearranging them into different orders. Let me tell you, that is exhausting (especially since a water pipe in my neighborhood broke so that day they shut off our water). Here are the pictures from the first day ( I obviously took tons more but I decided I'd spare you of tons of pictures that look pretty much the same. I also took both horizontal and vertical versions of each pic, but since I'm only using verticals that is what I'm showing you.)

Then fun fact, I had to find multiple places to take these pics in front of my house because the sister is traveling through different foster homes. So, I ran out of places to choose from which meant I had to use my neighbors driveway who happened to be home. Casually, I walked next door and place sets of shoes on her driveway and repeatedly dropped a duffel bag while praying she does not look out her window and seem me #awkward. The next two pics are movie poster ideas I put together. I thought it would be cool to do a collage, but when I put it together, the duffel bags were in four different corners, the shoes were lined up weird next to the other pictures, it just looked off. To try to fix this, I rotated the pictures around so the lines of different shoes went along with each other like shown below. I think it looks both cool and weird at the same time, but I didn't love it.

This next picture, I tried just using one photo but I think it is kind of boring and a little to simple. I also like the orange in the title but hope it is not misleading of my drama genre. However, I did see that blue and orange are very popular combinations for movie posters because they compliment each other (but still go noles!).

 My other problem with these pictures is that I need room to put all the conventional text at the bottom but it will cover the black shoes which is not what I want. I think those shoes are an important part of the picture, so I am going to try to figure out a solution for that. Check back soon for another blog post on how I progress with my poster!

Until next time,

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